Women Together

🏅🏆🎖🗞🥇🪪 *Women Together* (organisation which funded the cricket & set up to empower vulnerable women through health awareness, showcasing talent, sport etc), has been nominated & shortlisted for the *‘Strengthening Communities Award’* at this years Essex Activity Awards!
Watch the results announced at the Grand award ceremony on following link.
Don’t miss it 😃
Click here for video

🏅🏆🎖🗞🥇🪪 GOOD NEWS!
We’d like to proudly announce 📣
South Essex Mind & Spirit Cluster group- *Women Together* has WON the *‘Strengthening Communities Award’* at this year's Basildon Activity Awards!
The award was purely based on merit & recognition by the awarding body & not on public voting, which was for a separate Essex award. The results for Essex will be announced in December 😊
See video of the AWARD CEREMONY & professional photos! 📸
Click here for video

Previous Events:

Women Together’s Coronation Party & Afternoon Tea Poster
Women Together poster on International Women’s Day
sponsored walk